Thursday, July 29, 2010

Drew Carey Weight Loss

Drew Carey’s weight loss did more than drop 80 pounds from his once more than ample frame: it also eliminated his type 2 diabetes. According to the host of The Price Is Right, he told People “I’m not diabetic anymore. No medication needed.”

The secret to Drew Carey’s weight loss is nothing mysterious: he cut out carbohydrates (although he admits he cheated a few times) and eats lots of egg whites, fruit, and Greek yogurt. His one and only beverage is water, and he does lots of cardiovascular exercise, at least 45 minutes a day.

It’s been shown that if you are overweight and have type 2 diabetes, losing a significant amount of weight not only lowers your blood sugar and improves your overall health, it can also eliminate your diabetes and thus your need for diabetes medication. However, doctors warn that if you are diabetic and are engaged in a weight loss program, it’s important to work with your doctor because your blood sugar, insulin, and diabetes medications need to be monitored.

According to Cathy Nonas, MS, RD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, “No matter how heavy you are, you will significantly lower your blood sugar if you lose some weight.” In addition, “We see it all the time: people can get off their insulin and their medication.”

And that’s what happened to Drew Carey: his weight loss not only allowed him to get rid of his size 44 pants and slip into a size 33-34, it also let him get rid of his medications. He was quoted in a New York Daily Newsarticle, “Once I started dropping a couple pant sizes, then it was easy ‘cause once you see the results, then you don’t wanna stop.”

Drew Carey’s weight loss may inspire others to try losing weight the old-fashioned way: watching what you eat and exercising hard. Besides the possibility of eliminating type 2 diabetes, weight loss can also reduceblood pressure, lower your risk of heart disease, improve cholesterol levels, lighten stress on joints such as hips, knees, and ankles, and do wonders for your self-esteem.

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