Thursday, July 29, 2010

Would you ever garbage pick?

Today's Oprah show about frugal people across the nation included "freegans." I did a blog a few weeks back about freegans, people who basically dumpster dive for everything, including food. They're pretty political about the whole thing and take the stance that we over consume as a nation.

While I'm not willing to become a freegan, and while I don't go out of my way to pick up stuff off the side of the road, I have done it once or twice. Once I was passing someone who'd had a garage sale the day earlier and was tossing some of the stuff that didn't sell. One of the items was a perfectly good toddler booster seat that would run at a minimum of $40 at a store. I saw it, swooped it up, took it home and cleaned it up. I'm still using it to this day. I also found a good high chair once that I picked up for a friend.

I have friends that purposely troll around looking for "good stuff" thrown out to pick up.

What's the best free thing you've ever found on the side of the road?

Would you be willing to "garbage pick" something that you might be able to use or would you rather be caught dead?

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